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One of the most popular school of Rajasthan is swami keshawananda


Posted on 22-June-2018 10:26:16 AM    Comments    2586 view(s)

Education plays the vital role in the development of the person.  Education is most efficient part of our life. Without education we cannot survive in this society. Or we can say in today’s generation without education we are nothing. Education refers to the act of learning the things. To deal with any problem the understanding of anything or the knowledge about the thing actually helps a lot. And ma

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मैदान ए जंग जीतने की तैयारी

by Rakesh Saini

Posted on 23-June-2018 3:13:30 PM    Comments    2789 view(s)

बोर्ड परीक्षाओं में शानदार परीक्षा परिणाम के बाद केशवानंद स्पोर्ट्स कॉम्प्लेक्स सजा है अपने फील्ड के इन बेहतरीन कोचेज के साथ दाएं से विजय भगत स्विमिंग कोच फ्रॉम वेस्ट बंगाल भूपेंद्र शेखावत बास्केटबॉल कोच फ्रॉम सीकर नासिर खान बालीबाल कोच फ्रॉम सीकर योगेश कुमार क्रिकेट कोच फ्रॉम दिल्ली बंटी कबड्डी कोच फ्रॉम भिवानी हरियाणा नरेश कुमार फुटबॉल कोच फॉर्म हरियाणा मनीष कुमार मीणा हैंडबॉल कोच फ्रॉम दिल्ली राहुल चौधरी बालीबाल कोच फ्रॉम दिल्ली विश्ववि

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Grand Opening Jovial Pre School on 2nd July 2018

by Rakesh Saini

Posted on 27-June-2018 2:21:16 PM    Comments    2951 view(s)

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Importance of education in your student’s life…..


Posted on 13-July-2018 11:15:52 AM    Comments    5457 view(s)

Now a day’s education is necessary for all of us. It is not necessary for the upcoming generation but also for the present generation. Education is not only for the boys but also for the girls equally and as well for the old people. Oxygen is necessary for survival likewise, education is also necessary for the survival. The Education depicts the process of facilitating or the Top Englis

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The Knowledge Tree Learning Centre Schools academic special...

by Education

Posted on 01-August-2018 11:43:45 AM    Comments    1754 view(s)

Education plays key role in our life. Without education we are good for nothing. Or we can say we are useless. Education is very very important tool for people all over the world. For making the balance of life or existence on the earth education is very amount. It provides the ability to overcome the challenges in our life. Education is the one and only way to acquire the knowledge of the particular field

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नए सत्र की शुरुआत धमाकेदार जीत के साथ ऑस्ट्रेलिया जाएगा केशवानंद का साबरमल।

by Rakesh Saini

Posted on 02-April-2019 4:46:19 PM    Comments    2274 view(s)

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वार्षिक उत्सव में थिरके जोवियल के नन्हे कदम

by rakesh saini

Posted on 09-April-2019 5:08:54 PM    Comments    2363 view(s)

वार्षिक उत्सव में थिरके जोवियल के नन्हे कदम सीकर। एनएच 52, भढ़ाडर स्थित स्वामी केशवानन्द शिक्षण संस्थान की नवीन इकाई जोवियल जूनियर प्री-स्कूल में शनिवार को वार्षिक उत्सव मनाया गया। कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि समूह निदेशक रामनिवास ढाका थे वहीं अध्यक्षता सुरेन्द्र सिंह ढाका ने की। कार्यक्रम म

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